Live2D Cubism Editor(2D建模和动画软件的创造者)
Live2D Cubism Editor PRO是一个软件工具,创作者可以将静态的2D图形转化为二维模型。它由2 d的Modeler建模工具和动画动画模型。
Cubism Editor (2D modeling & animation software for creators)
Cubism Editor is a software tool that empowers creators to turn static 2D graphics into 2D models. It consists of Modeler for 2D modeling tool and Animator for animating the model.
Cubism Editor Modeler
2D Polygon Mapping: Live2D model is composed of texture assets. Each texture asset is mapped with editable 2D polygons specific to its shape. Manual mapping and manipulation of 2D polygons can be extremely tedious and time-consuming, but Modeler is equipped with powerful efficiency tools including Magnetic Mapping and Dust Removal which substantially speed up the mapping task.
Powerful Editing and Numerical Control of Motions: Once all texture assets are mapped with 2D polygons, use Modeler's powerful editing tools to manipulate texture assets into desired forms. Among those tools are Coordinate Editing which lets you collectively manipulate texture assets on a curved mesh or on a rotation axis. Visual-based manipulations made in Modeler are automatically converted into numerals so that such manipulations can be controlled with given motion parameters, making the model fully configurable and interactive.
Texture Assets Assignment: Texture assets (e.g. hair, clothes, etc) can easily be added, switched, or replaced, often without any additional mapping or editing of 2D polygons. This makes creating variable models extremely easy, and if you have enough variables, you can create a fully configurable avatar system like this (link>> barcode Kanojo).
Cubism Editor Animator
Animation Tool Dedicated to Live2D Model: Once a Live2D model is created with Modeler, import the Live2D model(s) into Animator's timeline to configure and program movements (motion tracks) using motion parameters associated with each specific Live2D model. Animator lets you create motion tracks with familiar user interfaces, such as visual animation tools, keyframe-based timelines, and a stage where you can drag-and-drop models. It also has interactive functionalities including Auto Lip-sync, in which Animator automatically generates lip movements according to an external voice file assigned.
Workflow of the Modern Digital Era: Animator takes advantage of digital production. To list a few, motion tracks can be archived to build a library, which you can use and apply to models as you see fit. Despite dealing with 2D objects, Animator can change its camera view as if you are dealing with 3D models. You can also load multiple models in a same stage, allowing parallel and concurrent editing for easy scene-management with sophisticated stage effects.
System Requirements:
Pentium4 3GHz or faster
2GB memory or more (8GB recommended)
GPU: OpenGL3.3 / GeForce 8 or better
Windows XP/Vista/7/8